
上海商务英语培训(Family English)

2009-03-24 09:46  972次

  • 课程价格:请电话咨询
  • 开课时间:滚动开班
  • 上课地点:请咨询客服


Business English Training Family English 上海商务英语培训Business English Training Family English上海商务英语培训()是一家全球著名的商务英语培训教育机构。公司总部位于*的经济与金融中心--上海(Shanghai),分中心扩展到了南通、常州、宁波、南京、长沙等*18个城市。我们专业的培训方案小组会为您量身定做教学计划,制定最合适您的培训课程,实施最有效的商务英语授课,让您在最短的时间内*限度地提高外语应用能力。 Family English One On One English Training()is a global education management company with 18 offices across china: shanghai, Ningbo, Nantong, Changzhou, Suzhou, Nanjing, Dalian, Beijing, Taiwan, Hong Kong, Qingdao, Macau, Guangzhou, Tianjin, Shenzhen, Changsha, Zhuhai, Shenyang. Our professional group will make the teaching plan to your measure, choose the courses which are most suitable for you and hae the most effectie Business english training for you. All these can help you to improe your English leel to the largest extent within the shortest time. 一、课程进阶 Process of Courses Market leader Program is comprised of eight stages: Icebreaker; Threshold; Beginner; Lower Intermediate; Business-intermediate; Intermediate; Business-Adanced; Adanced. Progressie study objecties are set for each stage to effectiely guide students toward mastery of the language. - 入门 Icebreaker 能够使用少量的词汇和语法,进行一些简短的商务英语日常对话。 To be able to use some words and grammar, to make simple conersations. - 基础 Threshold 能够了解少量的语言模式,就自己的兴趣和见解进行简单的英语对话。 To be able to learn some English language patterns, to talk about daily actiities. - 进阶 Beginner 能够运用正确结构的简单句表达有关个人的信息,具备在国外生活的基本语言能力。 To be able to gie personal information with the past, present and future tense. Basic language ability of liing abroad. - 中级 Lower Intermediate 运用简单句型描述日常生活,可自由与外国人进行日常交流。 To be able to decribe daily life with simple sentences and to talk freely with English speakers about daily actiites. - 中高级 Intermediate 能够在任何场景中进行交流,熟悉语言结构并掌握在工作环境中运用英语的能力。 To be familiar with the language struture and to be able to use English competently in a number of different situations. - 商务进阶 Business-intermediate 将在典型的商务环境中加强商务用词的拓展,内容涉及:商务会议、谈判、面试、以及客户服务、生产、市场、金融等等 。 To enlarge business ocabulary, and to be able to communicate in English in typical business situations, such as meetings, negotiation and interiews.Other areas include: customer serice, manufacturing, marketing , finance, and so on. - 商务高级 Business-Adanced 运用更复杂和逻辑性更强的句子,围绕商务的需要:例如商务旅行、策略制定、保险与银行、市场调研等等进行学习和表达。同时更注意了商务的写作能力。 To be able to use complicated and analytical expressions, focused on topics such as business negotiations, policy making, and actiity design, business writing is also emphasized. - 专家级 Adanced 语言以达到一般外国人的水平,不仅日常用语表达自如,且能够进行复杂的学术性探讨。 To be able to talk about all daily actiities as well as academic subjects. To achiee almost natie speaker-like fluency. 二.我们的教材 Our Textbooks *部分:商务基础 Basic business 词汇 Vocabulary 语法 Grammar 完美发音 Perfect pronunciation 第二部分:商务写作 Business writing 信件 Letters 备忘录 Memos 报告, Reports 电子邮件 E-mails 商务计划 Biz plan 风险投资计划 VC plan 第三部分:商务演示 Business presentations 开场白 Opening Remarks 项目介绍演示 Introducing the Subject and the outline of thePresentation 在演讲中的话语 Deeloping the Speech Text 礼貌和肢体语言 Manners and body language 听讲者反溃信息 Reference to the Audience 结束语 Closing 第四部分:公开演讲 Public speaking 战胜恐惧 Conquer the Fear 做好准备 Summarizing 结尾 Concluding 对问题反应 Response to Questions 借助媒体 Media skills 第五部分:接听技巧 Telephone Techniques 打联系 Calling contacts 跟踪 Follow-up calls 推销 Cold Calls 处理投诉 Handling complaints 第六部分:会议 Meetings 议程设置 Agenda setting 同意和争执 Agreeing and disagreeing 应对挑战 Challenging 解决问题的能力 Problem soling 第七部分:谈判 Negotiations 讨价还价 Bargaining 肯定的获得 Getting to “YES” 处理冲突 Managing conflict 第八部分:全球商务文化差异Cross-culture business& Globalization 文化意识 Cultural awareness 文化差异 Culture difference 第九部分:娱乐休闲 Entertaining& leisure actiities 推荐 Recommending 提出邀请 Initing and offering 第十部分:拜访 Appointments 打预约 Telephoning to make appointments 寻找合适的时间 Finding a suitable time 改变约会 Changing appointments 第十一部分:社交 Socializing 见面 Meeting people 建立人际关系 Making connections 跟进 Following up 第十二部分:时间管理 Time management 日程安排 Planning your schedule 规划项目 Planning projects 应对压力 Dealing with stress …… 三. 我们的师资团队 Our Teacher Group 依托美国总部强大资源优势,我们的商务英培训师均来自北美、英澳等母语为英语的*,且具有特定商务英语背景教学经验经验的优秀商务英语培训师,并配备助教、项目经理、企划师等专业人员协助全程教学。 Solid support from the US headquarter strengthens our competitie adantages in faculties. Our foreign tutors are all natie speakers from North America, Britain, Australia, etc. with rich experience in Business English Training. Moreoer, teaching assistants and project managers will be at your disposal to assist in the whole training program. 四. 课程附加值 Value-added of the Courses ①每一个参训学员,免费获得专业英语学习软件一套; Each student participating in the training can get a set of professional English language learning software for free. ②每一个参训学员,免费享受专业的笔试测试系统服务; Each student participating in the training can hae free access to professional serices of written test system. ③每一个参训学员,免费享受专业的口语测试系统服务; Each student participating in the training can hae free access to professional serices of spoken test system. ④享受内容丰富的活动策划服务; You can enjoy a ariety of business actiities planning serices. ⑤长期合作学员可免费享受心理辅导、管理培训等专业培训服务; Long-term student can enjoy free psychological counseling to their employees, management training and other professional training serices.
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    上海商务英语培训(Family English)
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