
青岛雅思培训之雅思写作范文:Computers-will they replac

2009-04-13 15:56  704次

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  • 开课时间:滚动开班
  • 上课地点:请咨询客服
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青岛雅思,新托福专业培训机构-圣约翰(澳洲)语言专修学校 圣约翰-雅思6分通过率*的专业机构 青岛雅思培训之雅思写作范文:Computers-will they replace teachers? Computers - will they replace teachers? With the present wide use of computers, in the course of teaching, more and more teachers are in faour of using computers as an aid in teaching their students or in appropriating the latest information from the Internet. Howeer, I am not a belieer in the argument that computers may in the future take the place of teachers in teaching students. Firstly, the creators of any education program and software need to be teachers or workers in the education system, or programmers who had preiously worked in education. Therefore, although students may learn knowledge by computer, the skills and ideas ultimately emanate from the teaching staff. Secondly, while the computer may offer a correct answer or explanation to students, the comprehension capability of eery student aries from student to student, making it is impossible for the computer to offer an explanation catered to a student’s particular leel of understanding. Howeer, the teacher is able to undertake this task, as he or she possesses expertise in teaching. For example, when a teacher discoers that many students cannot understand professional knowledge, he or she may offer explanatory examples. The computer, howeer, may only analyze a question in terms of a simple right or wrong response. Finally, the teachers are inariably responsible for carrying a dual role. Most teachers act as not only an educator, but also a kind of father or mother-figure in taking care of students in school. The teacher is able to assist parents in soling a child’s mental problems other than imparting daily knowledge. The computer, which is purely an algorithmic electronic deice, cannot hope to assist in this regard. In summary, the computer may not play a major role in education in comparison to the benefits of a teacher bestows. Howeer, it is critical that teachers improe their old teaching modes by using computers at some leel of educational teaching. 青岛雅思培训中心,青岛雅思外语学校 青岛雅思培训报名,青岛雅思培训学校 青岛雅思学校,青岛雅思英语培训 青岛雅思,青岛雅思培训, 青岛雅思培训考试 青岛雅思,青岛雅思专业培训机构-圣.约翰(澳洲)语言专修学校精品雅思系列课程,包括雅思入门班、雅思基础班、雅思预备班、雅思精品班,雅思高分班,精英新托福系列课程包括新托福基础班、新托福精英班、新托福模拟冲刺班于2010年4月5/12/19日全新循环滚动开班,2010年4月15日前报名*可享受8.8-9.5折优惠!现正在抢报中!雅思,新托福*秀的教学组合,*价格竞争力的课程! 青岛雅思,青岛新托福专业培训机构-圣.约翰(澳洲)语言专修学校 青岛市山东路9号深业大厦A座33层(巴黎春天购物广场楼上)
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    青岛雅思培训之雅思写作范文:Computers-will they replac
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