

2009-06-02 10:11  529次

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青岛雅思,新托福专业培训机构-圣约翰(澳洲)语言专修学校 圣约翰-雅思6分通过率*的专业机构 青岛雅思培训之雅思写作范文:80后问题 Young people are important resources to their country, but goernments may ignore some problems faced by young people in running the country. By your experience, what does goernment need to do for supporting or helping young people? Please show those problems and gie your idea or suggestion to sole them. Goernments hae inested much in supporting young people for they hae realized that these youths will be the future of the country. Howeer, jueniles, at a dilemma crossing of their life, possess unique qualities as curiosity and amorality, thereby making it hardly possible for goernments to coer eery piece of their growing footprints. Curiosity and amorality result easily in young people’s imitation of what they think are cool and fun, unaware or een ignorant of what the impacts may be. Gone are the days when youths stay happily at home with papa and mama, and try to be good kids. On the contrary, they hang out with their buddies nowadays, and follow whateer is popular or cool, and consequently, their immature nature has proided much possibility for the dark side of the society. Of course, jueniles’ psychological feature alone is not enough for them to swere away from their regular life. It is negatie social impact that abetted these kids into pains and despair. And iolence ia media is undoubtedly a most significant one. As for the immaturity of young people, though it is hardly possible to change their nature, it is adisable that goernments emphasize more on the role of psychological assistance and education at school. Professional psychological consultants are recommended for schools to reliee students’ mental pressure, and regular psychological lectures should also be of great help in orienting students to true alue of life. On the other hand, programs or projects with iolence shall be denied access to the young, since they are not mentally prepared to appropriately ealuate what they see and hear. Goernments should take eery possible measure to make sure that regulations are followed and young people are protected from these negatie influences as much as possible. In conclusion, problems faced by youths challenge goernments with both the inner factor of students’ psychological immaturity and the outer factor of society’s iolence abuse, and therefore goernments should take action in both categories, and eliminate eery possibility for students to turn delinquent. 青岛雅思培训中心,青岛雅思外语学校 青岛雅思培训报名,青岛雅思培训学校 青岛雅思学校,青岛雅思英语培训 青岛雅思,青岛雅思培训, 青岛雅思培训考试 青岛雅思,青岛雅思专业培训机构-圣.约翰(澳洲)语言专修学校精品雅思系列课程,包括雅思入门班、雅思基础班、雅思预备班、雅思精品班,雅思高分班,精英新托福系列课程包括新托福基础班、新托福精英班、新托福模拟冲刺班于2010年4月5/12/19日全新循环滚动开班,2010年4月15日前报名*可享受8.8-9.5折优惠!现正在抢报中!雅思,新托福*秀的教学组合,*价格竞争力的课程! 青岛雅思,青岛新托福专业培训机构-圣.约翰(澳洲)语言专修学校 青岛市山东路9号深业大厦A座33层(巴黎春天购物广场楼上)
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