

2013-10-22 11:38  313次

  • 课程价格:请电话咨询
  • 开课时间:滚动开班
  • 上课地点:请咨询客服


雅思口语话题的思路非常重要,因为逻辑结构是评分的一个重要构成因素,那么对于比较难的雅思口语话题,要如何调整自己的思路呢?下面就是武汉新动态英语培训的Martin老师整理的全新雅思口语话题与词汇实例讲解。 {常见考题} Does your name have special meaning? 参考答案1: My name is very meaningful because mygrandmother picked it for me. It means bright and success also full ofwell-blessing. 参考答案2: The name was given by my parents. Yuan,in Chinese, means always being the first and the best. This character is pretty masculine, not girly at all. They told me that they want me to beconfident, brave and be able to have a successful career one day. {温馨提示} 该问题虽然采取一般疑问句的形式,但是回答并不是一个Yes或者No就可以的,考生在说明名字是否有意义的同时还需要告诉考官有什么样的意义。比如说名字可以象征身份,体现个人*的性格或者表达父母的祝福等等。 {魔鬼考题} What kind of people in China like changing their names? 参考答案1: As far as I am concerned, only peoplein entertainment field would like to change their names to make themselves morefamous. They expect their new names to bring them good luck. Criminals wantedby the police may also want to change their names in order to hide behind afalse identity. 参考答案2: Well, some people change their namessimply because they dislike them. They might not be happy with the way theysound. Actually, I have heard of some people who have changed their namesbecause they did not match their “Feng Shui”—— the belief that you can receivepositive energy from different things. In my country, a name could bring you good fortune. Personally, Ihaven’t met anyone who has changed their name, only in movies when some peopleneed to create a new identity for themselves, or a new life to escape from ahorrible situation in their past. {温馨提示} 更换名字对于一般的考生来说并不是非常熟悉的话题,非常容易无话可说,所以在构思时要学会选取一个角 度把这个话题作一定的展开。其实,人们会为了各种各样的理由去更改名字。为了使答案更充实有意义,考生可以把各种人群分类,分别解释其原因,例如因为出名、犯罪或移民等因素。
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