

2010-09-20 10:46  975次

  • 课程价格:请电话咨询
  • 开课时间:滚动开班
  • 上课地点:请咨询客服
  • 乘车路线:地铁三号线,虹口足球场站


擀霸精益沙龙本期话题 Major Topic 精益生产作为一套持续自我完善的管理系统,已经被很多企业认同,但是如何实现全员参与?如何在基层员工贯彻落实企业方针?如何打造高效能的工作团队? 如何有效地将先进的生产方式和持续改善的工作方法沉淀为一种企业文化?如何打造领导的团队参与方式和工作方法?本期沙龙,我们邀请到了擀霸全球高级 精益咨询专家D.J. Duarte 先生与大家分享高效团队训练营模式,让上述的问题不再困扰企业管理者。 我们将与您共同探讨:  精益领导力是什么,它在不同的文化层面下会有怎样不同的表现?  什么是高效团队训练营?高效团队训练营的工作方式和原理?  如何留住人才,如何实现全员参与,如何发挥企业领导的文化传承效应? We will focus on:  What is the expression of lean leadership in 3 different kinds of culture aspects?  What is GL/TL Camps? What is the essential principles and methodology?  How to involve all employees and keep high performance? How to lead leaders for culture evolution? 主讲嘉宾 Keynote Speaker D.J. Duarte(擀霸全球亚洲副总裁/高级精益六西格玛顾问Gemba VP Asia/LSS Senior Consultant) 日程安排 Schedule 时间 内容 13:15-13:30 签到 Check In 13:30-13:45 致开幕词 Opening Speech 13:45-15:15 主题演讲 Keynote 15:15-15:45 茶歇 Networking Break 15:45-16:45 互动讨论 Panel Discussion 与会对象 总经理、工厂总监、供应链总监、生产总监、工厂经理、精益经理等 Who Should Attend General Manager, Plant Director, Supply Chain Director, Manufacturing Director, Plant Manager, Lean Manager etc. 主讲嘉宾介绍:Speaker Introduction 毕业于美国马里兰*及美国阿肯色*,精通亚洲文化,有20多年的精益六西格玛实施经验,美国防 御体系执行领导力发展计划专家成员(DELDP),企业流程再造(BPR)专家,曾经给全球16个* 140多家企业做过咨询服务。现任擀霸全球亚洲副总裁、高级精益六西格玛顾问。 Mr. Duarte has joined Gemba Global since 2009. He is now working in Asian countries to cover major projects on lean 6 sigma deployment, leadership coaching, and TL/GL High performance training. He is helping customers to reengineer the business process, build up internal high performance team over psychological methodology. His expertise on BRP, Lean 6 sigma and leadership development. He is one of fifty professors certified by DELDP. He has severed more than 140 enterprises over 16 different countries. He has studied Asian culture and business management in university of Maryland and University of Arkansas. He speaks English and Japanese. 日期:2010年9月27日 Date: 18th September, 2010 费用:人民币100元/人 Delegate: RMB 100/per
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