
Functioning in Business

2011-08-11 15:08  860次

  • 课程价格:请电话咨询
  • 开课时间:滚动开班
  • 上课地点:请咨询客服


The language of the course is presented in the context of an executive’s business trip to the US. Video presentations and interactive exercises give students the chance to learn and practice the language necessary to operate successfully in business interactions such as making an appointment, meeting in a restaurant or hotel, and supervising a co-worker. In addition to listening and speaking skills, Functioning in Business focuses on general business vocabulary and important language functions, such as requesting, refusing, suggesting, confirming, and clarification. Ideally, these points can be developed further in classroom activities or in other teacher-supported interactions that support the course. A comprehensive Teacher's Guide is available, with classroom suggestions and handouts.
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    Functioning in Business
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