2012-03-26 12:44 859次
- 课程价格:请电话咨询
- 开课时间:滚动开班
- 上课地点:请咨询客服
Goodcareer-Professional organization focus on training and developing strength HR professionals
CPM HRM-KCI---the most influential HR strength skills training brand in the globe
In the past 10 years, insisting on cultivating and developing strength HR professionals, Goodcareer has launched more than 260 phases of strength HR management training classes. We have already cultivated and developed over 4500 strength HR management professionals for foreign, joint venture enterprises and large-scale modern enterprises. Among them, * trainees have realized the breakthrough in their personal career development; 30% trainees have already worked for large-scale foreign and top 500 enterprises; the salary is from 1000 Yuan to 75000 Yuan. We also get recognition and praise from Goodcareer trainees, the trainees’ enterprises, society and counterparts at home and abroad. Although this achievement is only a drop in a bucket for the great need of more than 2 million HR management talents, we will inherit the past and forge ahead into the future, be loyal to our mission to cultivate and develop strength HR management professionals, continuously cultivate more strength HR professional managers with our specialty and experience and make more HR management white collar with salary from 20000 to 60000 Yuan, which will make Goodcareer CPM HRM-KCI certificate brand become the world-class brand.
Trainees who get CPM—HR certificate are strength talents with high-level HR management competence. They help enterprise solve many practical problem and they deserve promotion and salary increase——from the enterprise’s voice; We can practice and master experience, ability and HR manager’s competence which we could not get from other training and academic degree. Those make us own good job, competitiveness in career development, promotion and salary increase—from the trainee’s voice.
To know more enterprise and trainees feedback which Goodcareer served, please log in Goodcareer homepage and review the corresponding column.
学员培训收益:Trainee’s Training Benefits
10.5天涉及外资/合资企业现代人力资源经理/总监职位胜任力(KCI-HRM/HRD)要求的13个体系26个专业能力模块的实战训练、经理级/总监级人力资源管理者特质训练和经理级/总监管理才能训练;及历时4个月在专业导师指导下的实际人力资源管理系统建立、实施技巧等工作模拟(JOB SAMPLING)训练。使学员具备国内外500强企业、外资企业、合资企业及大型现代企业人力资源经理/总监级及以上职位的专家级实操能力和相应的胜任力(KCI-HR);具备根据本企业的现状和经营目标设计和运行比竞争对手更能吸引、留住和激励员工的现代人力资源管理13个体系的所有系统、制度和流程的实操技能;具备专业人力资源经理/总监的人格特质和管理水平;获得更多的升职、加薪机会;优胜的转工和职业发展机会;能解决工作中和企业所遇到的人力资源管理难题;享受才博终身的免费猎头和职业发展指导服务;具备获取月薪10000元至30000元以上职位的人力资源管理胜任力.
10.5 days’ training includes 13 systems and 26 professional modules strength training in KCI-HRM/HRD that the foreign/joint venture enterprises’ requires, special training for manager-level/ director-level HR managers and management skills training for them; 4-month job sampling training in the establishment of practical HR management system and implementation skills under the leadership of our professional coacher. To make our trainees own expert-level strength and corresponding KCI-HR to work for top 500, foreign and joint venture enterprises and modern large enterprises; to make our trainees own the practical skills to design and apply the whole systems, regulations and process about 13 modern HR management system according to the current situation of enterprises, management target which is more attractive to maintain and motivate employees than our competitors; to make our trainees own professional HR manager or director characteristics and management level; to make them own more opportunity to promote and increase salary and change work,; to make them have the ability to solve HR management problems in work and enterprise immediately; the employees can enjoy life-long free headhunting service and career development guidance from Goodcareer; to make them have HR management competence to get 10000 to 30000 Yuan per month.
课程设置: 26个基于大型外资、合资企业人力资源经理/总监胜任力结构的训练课程
Course design: 26 training curriculum based on structure for foreign, joint venture enterprises
Introduction to Human Resources Management for Modern Enterprise-Human-oriented, realize organization target
Incentive Model for Human Resources Management-to realize the expectation of organizations and employees by efficiently attracting, keeping and motivating employees
Designing High Performance Job and Target-oriented Organization
Target-oriented Job Analysis Skills and Job Specification Writing Practice
Strategy-oriented Methods and Techniques to Plan Human Resources
Recruiting Strategy Planning, Recruiting Channel Development and Management Technology
Efficient Internal Recruiting Planning and Implement Practice to Motivate and Maintain Employees
Selecting, Testing and Placing Techniques and Related Practices
Designing and Applying Efficient Technology to Forecast Future Performance of The Employees
Effective Interviewing Skills
Establishing Strategic Training System and Applying Training Techniques
Methods, Skills and Application for Analyzing Training Needs
Designing and Practicing Employees’ Orientation Training
Developing and Practicing ETE and ETT
Building up Incentive Performance Management System
Building up Incentive Performance Indicator’s System
选择和设计有效的绩效评估体系—MBOs, KPIs和BSCs
Designing Incentive Methods of Appraising Performance
Performance Interview and Improvement Performance Planning
Establishing Pay System based on Performance
Selecting Compensation Strategies and Setting up Practice of CS
Job Evaluation and Working out Pay Structure
Salary Survey and Annual Salary Adjustment
Designing Benefits’ Package for Employees
Managing Labor Contract and Dealing with Labor Bargaining
Managing Employees’ Health and Safety
Setting up Employee Manual and EC
Diagnosis of HRM and Working out HRM Working Plan
International HRM Practice
Content of each course will be changed to match the situation of trainees. It is subject to Goodcareer’s announcement and actual class content
Mastered and Applied HRM Core Skills (Examples)
Knowing well activities and function targets of HR department
Mastering the design techniques and operation skills of HR incentive modes
Mastering the methods and techniques of incentive work design and target-orientated organization design
Mastering the work analysis and writing job specification methods
Mastering the trend analysis methods and ratio analysis methods for employees’ need
Mastering the recruitment planning techniques and development and application skills of recruitment channel
Mastering the internal recruitment planning skills, process and implementation techniques
Mastering the design techniques of selection and usual testing methods
Mastering the techniques and methods for future performance of candidates
Mastering interview methods, process and techniques
Mastering training strategy orientation and the design methods and techniques of training systems
Mastering the training need analysis techniques and methods
Mastering the writing practice for employees’ pre-post training manual
Mastering the design methods and techniques of performance management system
Mastering the design and development techniques of performance appraisal
Mastering the performance interview technique and improvement methods
Mastering the techniques and methods for achievement-oriented performance appraisal
Mastering the design methods and techniques of
Incentive compensation system
Mastering the techniques and methods for work evaluation
Mastering tools, methods and techniques of the salary survey
Mastering the design techniques and management methods for incentive welfare combination
Knowing well labor law and mastering the management arts to deal with labor dispute
Mastering the methods and techniques of HR diagnosis and HR work scheme planning
Mastering the design methods and techniques of all kinds of health and safety scheme
Mastering the writing methods and techniques of Employee Manual
Knowing well the international HR management trend
possessed HRM Core Competence(Examples)
Being able to plan and implement HR management activities effectively for enterprises
Being able to attract, maintain the needed employees by HRM incentive management technology and skills
Being able to design effective organization according to the development stage and management targets
Being able to design the professional work analysis scheme and work out the effective job specification
Being able to plan the employees’ need and talents supply according to the management target of the enterprises
Being able to develop effective recruiting channel to gain enough and suitable employees
Being able to design and implement incentive internal recruiting system according to the organization environment
Being able to design and use suitable selecting and testing techniques to choose applicants
Being able to design suitable work simulation methods to forecast the future performance of the applicants
Being able to arrange interview, design and use evaluation forms efficiently
Being able to design incentive training system and training project by using instructional design program
Being able to design and apply efficient training need survey to investigate
Being able to design pre-post training manual and assume as the pre-post trainer
Being able to design incentive and feasible performance management system according to the enterprises’ needs
15.能设计和使用MBOs, KPIs和 BSCs指标体系和评估体系
Being able to design and use the index system and evaluation system like MBOs, KIPs and BSCs
Being able to design performance interview guidance and personnel
Being able to design the application system of the incentive achievement evaluation results
Being able to design and implement incentive pay system according to the targets of organization and employees
Being able to make job evaluation and establish fair salary structure by using job evaluation technology
Being able to make effective pay survey and plan and work out pay adjustment scheme
Being able to design incentive welfare combination and management system according to the need of enterprises
Being able to design and work out internal employment contract and deal with labor dispute efficiently
Being able to make HR management diagnose and feasible HRM work plan
Being able to design and apply safety incentive and health care scheme
Being able to work out and apply Employee Manual according to the HRS
Being able to meet the demand of foreign, joint ventures in HR management
Training Certificate Level
All of the trainees participating in the whole curriculums in this level will get graduate certificate issued by Goodcareer after they pass the test, drill, and practice. This certificate shows that the trainees have already had the core talent, competence and job skills as HRM/HRD even above; It is also regarded as the capacity proof in the field of HR management.
1. 专科或以上学历;有意向外资/合资企业人力资源总监职位发展,具人力资源管理经验之从业人士;有英文基础。
College degree or above; intention to develop in foreign/joint venture enterprise or the experience in HR management; English foundation.
2. 具人力资源管理特质,思维敏捷,良好的表达能力和逻辑分析能力。
Having HR management personality, wise thinking, good expression ability and logical analysis ability.
3. 对人力资源管理有浓厚兴趣和愿意把人力资源管理作为本人职业生涯的重要历程。
Having great interest in HR management and willing to take HR management as an important experience of the career.
4. 经专业导师面试或测试合格者。
Passing the interviewing and testing by professional tutor
Brief Introduction to Chief Training Coacher
陈建志导师(Depew Chen):资深实战型战略实施咨询、人力资源管理咨询和培训专家;人力资源硕士、心理学博士。20多年大型外资、合资、国营和民营企业人力资源高层管理职位工作经历。曾任亚加达国际商务教育培训中心人力资源培训导师。现任新世纪人力资源管理学会会长;*培训品牌:才博——密斯根:外资合资企业HR经理/总监胜任力特训营首席设计师和首席培训导师;美国认证协会(ACI)授权导师;美国ACI:国际注册HR经理、执行官认认证广州区首席培训导师;GEPMS(全球企业绩效电子管理系统)首席设计师和顾问师;才博咨询集团战略和人力资源首席顾问。
Depew Chen, senior strength strategy implementation consult, HR management consulting and training expert; Master of HR, Doctor of Psychology. 20 years of working experience as HRD or above in large-scale foreign, joint ventures, state-owned and private enterprises. Mr. Chen has been the HR training coacher of Alcanta International Business Education Training Center. Currently, he is the President of New Century HR Management Association(pure academic non-profit professional Organization); Chief designer and chief training tutor of the well-known training brand—— CPM HRM-KCI Training Series; Authorized coacher of American Certification Institution (ACI); Senior training coacher of International Professional Qualification Registered HR Management Series Certification issued by American Certification Institution (ACI)in Guangzhou area; Chief designer and consultant of GEPMS(Global Electronic Performance Management System); Chief strategy and HR consultant of Goodcareer Consulting Group.
Depew Chen has been kept focusing on human resources management theory research for a long term. By combining 20 years of human resources management experience with international modern human resources management theory, Mr. Chen has established strength HR management training courses series with HR management competence as training goal. He has been a well-known strength strategy implementation expert、HR management expert、HR training expert, HR project service expert and leading HR issue researcher. The strength HR training courses are: CPM—HR series (external training series) designed according to competence structure of HR management manager level or above--- a total of 8- level series training courses and 128 professional modules. PHR series(external training series) designed according to HR management expert-level competence structure ——4-level series of training courses, a total of 24 professional modules; MHR series(internal training series);Non-HR Managers’ HR management ability training courses--- a total of four-level and 26 modules in accordance with enterprise middle and high-level management person competence structural design.
想了解更多由陈导师主导设计的实战型人力资源管理胜任力培训课程模块(共3千多个)或下载部份课程模块请与陈导师联系。到目前为止,陈建志导师在*已开办了人力资源管理胜任力系列训练班470多期;现已接受了陈导师培训的学员来自:友邦、德士活、汉高、中美史克、用友、亨氏集团、顶新控股、*电信、依利安达、联泰集团、溢达集团、天安保险、柯尼卡、正大康地、震雄集团、奥林巴斯、麦当劳、永大光通信、易初莲花超市、保世高、海信集团、广东环球宽带、广日电梯、得煌科技等二千多家企业,*培育和发展了三千多名人力资源主管/经理/总监级或以上职位的人力资源管理专才。*的学员在短期内能够实现个人职业的突破性发展;其中35%的学员已进入了大型外资企业和国内外500强企业,月薪为人8000—25000元(如要索取学员联系电话请与陈导师联系)。 在新的一年陈导师将会更广泛地专注于培育和发展更多实战型人力资源管理专家,造就更多具备月薪10000元至30000元能力的人力资源管理白领/金领一族.
To know more strength HR management competence training course modules (over 3 thousand totally) dominated by Depew Chen or to download parts of these modules, please contact Depew Chen. So far, Depew Chen has launched over 470 stages of HR management competence training classes and trained the trainees from over 2 thousand enterprises like AIA, Texwood, Henkel, Smith Kline &French, UF, Elec & Eltek, Luen Thai Group, Tian An Insurance, Chen Hsong Group, McDonald's, Yongda Optical Communication, Lotus supermarkets, high-security world, Hisense Group, Guangdong Global Broadband, Guangri Elevator, Dehuang Science and Technology. Now we have already cultivated more than 3 thousand of HR management talents in the post of HRE/ HRM/ HRD or above. 100 percent trainees could get breakthrough in career in a short time; 35% of these trainees have already worked for large-scale foreign enterprises and top 500 enterprises at home and abroad with a salary from 10000 to 25000 Yuan (please contact with Depew Chen to get the telephone numbers of the trainees). In the new year, Depew Chen will focus more on cultivating and developing more strength HR management experts and train more HR management white collar and gold collar with the salary from 10000 to 30000 Yuan.
Trainees’ evaluation
才博HRM胜任力培训的工作模拟训练给了我实战能力的保证—Dicky Li—友邦保险
当我上完“才博—密斯根:外资/合资企业人力资源经理/总监职位胜任力特训营”*个模块后,对才博每班人数控制在12个人左右的安排有了更深刻的领会。才博基于HRM胜任力结构的培训系列不但导师水平一流,是实操专家, 其课程的设计和培训方式也是*的;特别是具针对性的工作模拟设计、案例研讨、角色扮演、经验分享和实战训练,更是获取专业实操技能保证!
Goodcareer HRM-KCI training job sampling practice guarantees my strength ability—Dicky Li—AIA
When I finish the first modules of “CPM HRM-KCI Training Series” for foreign and joint ventures, I have a deeper feeling about the arrangement to control the trainees within 12 people. Goodcareer HRM-KCI Training Series is not only equipped with firs-level strength experts but also the unique design and training methods especially its pointed job sampling design, case research and discussion, role-playing, experience share and strength training which are the assurance to gain professional skills.
Designing trainings according to the characteristics of the trainees and have strong practical operation characteristics—Mr. Li—McDonald's
I am the 26-phase trainees of “CPM HRM-KCI Training Series” for foreign and joint venture enterprises. Through 8 days of professional training and 4 months of job sampling, I have made a comprehensive and professional progress in HRM systematic knowledge, professional ability and operation skills. I also have made breakthrough in career bottleneck. Those make me promote and get higher salary. Now I decide to attend “CPM HRM-KCI Training Series” for foreign and joint venture enterprises. If let me summarize the characteristics of HRM-KCI training, I will say, it is so professional, comprehensive and modern!
Goodcareer is my good partner in career development—Mr. Xie—Anda Electronic Group
I am the 15-phase trainee of “CPM HRM-KCI Training Series” for foreign and joint ventures. Due to the training, my HRM ability improved comprehensively. In half a year, Goodcareer helps me promote from HR executives to managers with the salary increase from 6000 to 11000 yuan. Goodcareer offers the trainees free advisory service in work problems and career development which is the great support for my successful work. Goodcareer, thanks very much!
专业、专注我体会到—Raymond Wong—美能达
Professional and dedicated I feel—Raymond Wong—Minolta
Over 8 days of structure-oriented HRM and HRD KCI training, I feel that Goodcareer is professional and dedicated! Attending this “CPM HRM-KCI Training Series” for foreign and joint venture enterprises” provides us with motivation and professional support in other stage of HR management career. Thank you, Goodcareer, for giving me this opportunity!
To know more feedback about trainees or enterprises served by Depew Chen, please log in Goodcareer homepage and review the corresponding column. To contact with the trainees in person, please contact with Goodcareer CPM-HR Service Department.
Training Time
10.5 days of professional practice training, 4 months of job simulation training;having class every other week
Training Fee
RMB 12800 Yuan each person
Training Location
Goodcareer HR Professional Training Center( Guangzhou Headquarter)