2012-10-15 17:56 780次
- 课程价格:请电话咨询
- 开课时间:滚动开班
- 上课地点:请咨询客服
企业英语培训|成都企业英语培训找蓝波湾口语国际 拨打电话:028-67715206 了解祥情
Chengdu Corporate English Training
Number One
Hotline: 028-67715206
成都企业英语培训Chengdu Corporate English Training
蓝波湾成都企业英语培训()是一家*著名的企业专业语言培训教育机构。我们专门为亚洲的国际企业 提供语言培训解决方案。公司总部位于*的经济与金融中心--上海(Chengdu),分中心扩展到了南通、常州、宁波、南京、长沙等*18个城市。我们提供的“诊断式教学系统”服务于不 同行业中的各个优秀的涉外企业。帮助员工提高在工作中的职业外语水平,提高中高层管理者在日常和商务场景中的问题解决和危机处理能力,为企业提高专业形象并创造价值。
Number One Corporate English Training() is a global education management company with 18 offices across china: chengdu, Ningbo, Nantong, Changzhou, Suzhou, Nanjing, Dalian, Beijing, Taiwan, Hong Kong, Qingdao, Macau, Guangzhou, Tianjin, Shenzhen, Changsha, Zhuhai, Shenyang. we also employ over 350 full time trainer/consultants with china specific experience. Founded in 1997, we offer a scalable, on-demand language solution that helps employees of Fortune500 improve their ability to communicate effectively in English and enables companies to succeed in the global marketplace.
一、培训形式 Training Form
Corporate training: Send trainers to the corporation.
二、课程进阶 Process of Courses
Market leader Program is comprised of eight stages: Icebreaker; Threshold; Beginner; Lower Intermediate; Business-intermediate; Intermediate; Business-Advanced; Advanced. Progressive study objectives are set for each stage to effectively guide students toward mastery of the language.
- 入门 Icebreaker
To be able to use some words and grammar, to make simple conversations.
- 基础 Threshold
To be able to learn some English language patterns, to talk about daily activities.
- 进阶 Beginner
To be able to give personal information with the past, present and future tense. Basic language ability of living abroad.
- 中级 Lower Intermediate
To be able to decribe daily life with simple sentences and to talk freely with English speakers about daily activites.
- 中高级 Intermediate
To be familiar with the language struture and to be able to use English competently in a number of different situations.
- 商务进阶 Business-intermediate
将在典型的商务环境中加强商务用词的拓展,内容涉及:商务会议、谈判、面试、以及客户服务、生产、市场、金融等等 。
To enlarge business vocabulary, and to be able to communicate in English in typical business situations, such as meetings, negotiation and interviews.Other areas include: customer service, manufacturing, marketing , finance, and so on.
- 商务高级 Business-Advanced
运用更复杂和逻辑性更强的句子,围绕商务的需要:例如商务旅行、策略制定、保险与银行、市场调研等等进行学习和表达。同时更注意了商务的写作能力。 To be able to use complicated and analytical expressions, focused on topics such as business negotiations, policy making, and activity design, business writing is also emphasized.
- 专家级 Advanced
To be able to talk about all daily activities as well as academic subjects. To achieve almost native speaker-like fluency.
三、我们的师资团队 Our Teacher Group
依托美国总部强大资源优势,我们的企业英语培训师均来自北美、英澳等母语为英语的*,且具有特定企业背景教学经 验经验的优秀培训师,并配备助教、项目经理、企划师等专业人员协助全程教学。
Solid support from the US headquarter strengthens our competitive advantages in faculties. Our foreign tutors are all native speakers from North America, Britain, Australia, etc. with rich experience in Hotel English Training. Moreover, teaching assistants and project managers will be at your disposal to assist in the whole training program.
四. 课程附加值 Value-added of the Courses
Each employee participating in the training can get a set of professional English language learning software for free.
Each employee participating in the training can have free access to professional services of written test system.
Each employee participating in the training can have free access to professional services of spoken test system.
You can enjoy a variety of business activities planning services.
Long-term cooperation Companies can enjoy free psychological counseling employees, management training and other professional training services.