

2015-10-06 18:14  727次

  • 课程价格:请电话咨询
  • 开课时间:滚动开班
  • 上课地点:请咨询客服
  • 乘车路线:南京新街口


十个不易发现的简历疏漏 The average boss looks at a curriculum vitae for just three minutes while one in five make a decision on a candidate after perusing it for under a minute, new research suggests. 新研究发现,老板看一份简历一般只会花上三分钟,而在浏览简历不到一分钟后五个老板 中便会有一个决定候选人。 Despite almost a quarter of candidates claiming they have excellent written communication skills, many of them fall foul of using worn clichés in their CVs, the survey of 2,000 from New College of the Humanities (NCH) found. (英国的)人文新对2000名学生做了调查,结果表明尽管接近四分之一的候选人声称他 们书面表达技能过硬,他们之中还是有许多人会在简历中用上老掉牙的表达。 Thousands will make silly mistakes on their CV, which in turn dampens their chances of becoming employed. 成百上千人会在简历上犯愚蠢的错误,从而致使他们不太可能被录用。 Here are the top ten pet hates: 以下是简历硬伤: 1. Typos and grammatical errors 1. 拼写和语法错误 2. Overly casual tone 2. 语气太随意 3. Use of jargon and clichés 3. 用语太行话或老套 4. A CV more than two pages in length 4. 简历长度超过两页 5. Snazzy borders and backgrounds 5. 简历边饰及背景时髦 6. Writing in the third person 6. 简历从第三人称的角度来写 7. Inclusion of clip art or emojis 7. 简历中包含剪贴画或表情符号 8. The use of cringeworthy quotes 8. 简历中的引用惹人嫌 9. Unprofessional email address 9. 邮箱地址显得小白(例如@前是一串数字或无厘头的字母组合) 10. Unconventional font 10. 字体特立独行(一般用的是Arial、Calibre或Times New Roman) Swatee Jasoria, director of professional development at New College of the Humanities said: 'There is clearly an art to writing a great CV.’ 人文新职业发展的主任斯瓦蒂·伽索瑞亚说:“显然写一份好简历是有技巧的。” TOP TIPS FOR AN EXCELLENT CV AND NAILING THAT INTERVIEW 让你写得一手好简历并成功过面试的热门技巧: 1. Make your CV match your personality 1. 使你的简历符合自己的性格 2. Don't just list jobs and duties - highlight achievements 2. 不要只是列举出工作与职责,还要特别点明你的成就 3. Try and get an interview on a Monday 3. 试着将面试定在周一 4. Practise a few competency tests 4. 做几项能力测试的训练 5. ...and don't pull a sickie to attend 5. …别在生病时勉强自己参加面试
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