
Uncle Sam少儿课程

2016-02-24 19:08  833次

  • 课程价格:请电话咨询
  • 开课时间:滚动开班
  • 上课地点:请咨询客服


Uncle Sam少儿课程 价格:* 适合年龄段:6岁以上 Uncle Sam少儿课程 - 山姆大叔英语长沙岳麓区麦德龙中心早教课程 - 长沙早教 山姆大叔少儿英语课程,纯美语系列教材,由六个级别组成。教材从美国*地理杂志中选取了趣味迷人、引人入胜的内容,均配有高品质的图片及视频,为孩子们了解周围的世界提供了必要的英语语言、技能及知识。 *地理杂志选取的教学内容,使英语学习更有乐趣 *地理杂志视频,鼓舞和激发孩子们的学习热情 分级读物,鼓励孩子们在阅读中寻找乐趣,并将“讲故事”带入课堂 为学生及教师提供免费的在线活动及支持平台 职业发展项目,帮助教师们更有效地使用教材 互动白板教学课件,易于使用,补充和增加了学生用书容量 Unclesam English for primary school students is a six-level series in American English that uses fun and fascinating National Geographic content, with stunning images and video, to give young learners the essential English language, skills, and knowledge they need to understand their world. National Geographic content makes learning English fun National Geographic video inspires and motivates young learners Leveled readers encourage reading for fun, and bring storytelling into your classroom Free online activities and support are available for teachers and learners. The Professional Development program helps teachers get the most out of the teaching material. Easy-to-use technology reinforces and enhances the content of the Student Book.
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