

2016-04-20 11:32  348次

  • 课程价格:请电话咨询
  • 开课时间:滚动开班
  • 上课地点:请咨询客服


综合汉语 (中级) Comprehensive Mandarin (intermediate level) 本课程运用功能、情景、结构理论,以功能为纲,重在训练学习者在各种不同情景中的语言交际能力。 In this course, topics become more practical and extensive, such as at the bank, education, attending a banquet, etc. Students have much more opportunities to be immerged into Chinese culture while learning the language. 我中心主要教学方式 Form of Class 一对一教学 One on one 此类教学时间安排灵活,可以根据学生的日程安排老师上课。 上课地点便捷, 学生可以选择来我中心上课, 也可在家里上课。 For private class, the schedule can be set by learners. And learners can choose the place to have the classes. But usually we have the class in our school. And learners can choose the learning materials according to they need. 班教 Group Class 价格优惠, 可以互动, 课堂气氛活跃。 For the group class, the schedule is set by school. And it is fix. We have the new group class every two weeks. And the learning material is also set by school. For the learners can’t ask for leave, if who ask for leave he/ she will miss the lesson, but the tuition fee need to charge, too.
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