

2010-04-28 17:07  992次

  • 课程价格:请电话咨询
  • 开课时间:滚动开班
  • 上课地点:请咨询客服


雅典娜乒乓私教作为世界民族中的一族,为促进民族融合、民族团结做出了杰出的贡献! 雅典娜乒乓私教致力于追求自由、平等、友爱及相互融合! Athena Ping Pong Training Center, being part of the World, has remarkably contributed to promote tolerance and unity between ethnics! Athena Ping Pong Training Center always strives to pursue freedom, fairness, friendship and harmony! ☆乒乓俱乐部多年总管乒乓培训☆ ☆红双喜Table Tennis Club has engaged in table tennis training formany years.☆ ☆旗下皆市、省乒乓队、体校专业乒乓教练☆ They have professional table tennis coaches from municipal and provincial table tennis team and sports school. ☆皆为*一、二级乒乓运动员☆ ☆They are Nation Rank No 1and 2 athletes.☆ ☆皆全*乒乓比赛多次名列前茅☆ ☆Who are among the top players in Chinese ping-pong game.☆ ☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆ 上课内容: Class content: 从基础技术练,因人施教。其中会结合多球、对练讲解乒乓球的理论知识。主要是:正反手攻球;正反手弧圈;下旋球;发球和接发球;及各种步法。 The lesson will start from the basic skill training in different ways according to individual.Continuous shots practice and paired exercise will help to explain various methods of playing skills, which mainly include back-hand attack, back-hand loop,screwing, serve and return of serve, and correct ways of footsteps. ☆私教10次课,每次课2小时,2000元/人☆ ☆Private training; 2 hrs each session, RMB2000 per person☆ ☆包教包会!学不会不收费☆ ☆Satisfaction guaranteed; or you may request a refund.☆
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