儒森汉语(Mandarin Garden)是国际汉语教师培训和境外就业派遣基地,同时也是上海及*地区专业的老外中文培训学校,拥有15年国际中文授课经验。学校具有非常*特色的学习环境,让您置身于学习*语言文化的*之中。我们为全球近千家*外资企业提供中文课程,在读外资企业管理人员和外国学员累计超过6000 人。曾多次被国外媒体“That’s Shanghai、City Week、ICS上海英文频道、NEWS、China Daily”评为外国学生在上海喜爱的中文学校和刊登儒森汉语的教学特色和学习方法。我们已经成功向全*的教育机构输出12000多位*中文教师。儒森汉语是全球对外汉语教学领域拥有并公开全部级别、全部类型中文课程核心教学技术的专业中文机构。
*项使命: 专为在上海有汉语知识和文化学习需求或对汉语有日常生活和工作需要的海外公司、移居家庭及个人提供专业的汉语学习课程、高质量的教学服务和全程的教学质量控管服务。在过去的8年里,*各地1万多名学生在此注册了中文课程,与我们友善的员工及老师共度了愉快的时光。
第二项使命: 近年来凭借*在*舞台的影响力,学习汉语的热潮也逐渐深温。为了迎合国际对于汉语老师的极度需求和国内外籍人士的学习需求,儒森汉语推出了独具一格的对外汉语老师培训课程。并且定期举办各类丰富多彩的文化交流活动来增加学员们的实践机会。我们拥有具有多年*授课经验 的师资力量和领域内专家提供理论与实践相结合的培训课程, 吸引了大批学员加入推广汉语的团队。我们已经培养了将近2千多名中文老师走上了对外汉语教学之路,其中有300多名中文老师将中文普及推广到了全球各地。我们为此感到非常的荣幸和自豪。
旨在为在*各国各地从事对外汉语教学的一线汉语教师提供分享和交流教学经验的平台;促进对外汉语教学领域的国际交流与合作;促进一线对外汉语教师*教学研究成果的展示和推广; 加强*各地一线汉语教学工作者与研究工作者之间的联系; 增进和发展各级各类汉语教学机构之间的交流和合作。我们真诚地希望,汉语能够随着经济全球化、文化多元化而逐步走向*,“让*了解中 国,让*走向*”,这种双向的了解既需要双向的语言纽带,又需要不断地把这纽带越拉越紧密,*人民将给全*带去真诚的友谊和真挚的问候!
Mandarin Garden is the earliest established international Chinese teaching center and mandarin teacher training organization in Shanghai.We have 9 centers in China.(Shanghai 3 centers, Wuyi, Changchun,Wuhan,Shenzhen,Ningbo,Lijiang)and 3 centers in the world. (London,Seoul,Sydney) All of which have a very Chinese-feeling environment to allow you to better assimilate into the sea of Chinese culture.
Mandarin Garden is also an officially recognized research center for Chinese teachers, and an IPA certified teacher training organization. We have already sent over 2000 Chinese teachers to other Chinese language schools all over the world. As only the most outstanding teachers stay at Mandarin Garden, we are able to provide our students with the most professional service.
It was founded to provide Efficient Mandarin Study Program, Quality Teaching Service and Overall Control System to oversea companies, expat families and individuals.
Through various Chinese language courses and cultural activities, we would help our foreign students to improve their skills of commercial and daily communication, culture exchange and living practice.
Every learners who come from different countries, own different background and have different learning purpose can achieve their mandarin study target ,and also, we will let you know more about Chinese history, culture and customs, in this way, you can make your life and work more comfortable and convenient in China.
We are always ready working for your Chinese language、culture needs and Interests.