2016-01-14 10:15 3485次
- 课程价格:请电话咨询
- 开课时间:滚动开班
- 上课地点:请咨询客服
- 乘车路线:三环300 107 627 特8 地铁10号线 双井桥北下即到
课程一 HSK汉语水平考试
• HSK(初级): 适用于那些掌握基本中文的学员。学员一般接受过100到800小时汉语课程学习。
• HSK(中级): 适用于那些掌握中等汉语水平的学员。学员一般接受过400到2000小时汉语课程学习。•
• HSK(高级): 适用于那些出色地掌握汉语的学员。学员一般接受过3000小时汉语课程学习。
课程二 商务汉语
• 商务汉语(初级)汉语语音、汉语生活会话、汉语听述、汉字的欣赏与书写、*国粹文化欣赏与实践。
• 商务汉语(中级)商务汉语会话与听力、财经新闻、汉字书写、商务写作基础、商务实战模拟、*国粹文化欣赏与实践。
• 商务汉语(高级)商务汉语会话与听力、中文报刊财经阅读、商务写作、*商务论坛、*国粹欣赏与实践
课程三 标准班级课程
• 课程包括从初级到高级,全年开课。
• 课程注重听,说,读,写四个技能的训练,并且*文化相结合。
• 有固定上课地点的学生上班级课。
课程四 家教课
• 为有特殊要求的学生而设计
• 根据学生的个人兴趣爱好和个人需求而量身定做
• 学生可以根据自己的母语来选择老师或专门学习商务方面的词汇
• 学生在最短的时间内有*的进步
课程五 生活汉语
• 初级 汉语语音、汉语生活会话、汉语听述、汉字的欣赏与书写、*国粹欣赏与实践
• 中级 汉语生活会话与听力、汉语阅读、汉语口头作文,汉字书写、汉语基础写作、国粹欣赏与实践
• 高级 汉语视听说、*新闻阅读、汉语写作、*文化论坛、*国粹欣赏与实践
课程六 *传统文化
• 茶道
• 太极拳
• 京剧脸谱
• *书法
★ HSK text
• HSK (Preliminary): applies to those learners with basic Chinese Language proficiency; namely, those students who hae taken 100 to 800 hours of regular modern Chinese learning (or equialent experience).
• HSK (Elementary-Intermediate Leels): is for students who are at the elementary and intermediate leel in Chinese proficiency, i.e. those who hae taken 400-2000 regular hours of modern Chinese courses.
• HSK (Adanced): is designed to measure the Chinese proficiency of those who are proficient in Chinese, i.e. who hae taken 3000 regular hours or more modern Chinese learning.
★ Business Chinese
•Business Chinese(entry-leel):Chinese Pronunciations、Chinese real life enironment、recognizing the sounds and deelop accurate pronunciation、appreciation of the Chinese character、appreciation and practice of the Chinese Quintessence.
• Business Chinese (intermediate leel): Business conersation and listening、Financial news、Chinese Character Writing、Business Basis for Writing、Business Tactical Training、appreciation and practice of Chinese Quintessence.
• Business Chinese(adanced leel):Business conersation and listening、Reading Chinese Newspaper and Financial news、Business Writing、Business Forum、appreciation and practice of Chinese Quintessence.
★ Small Group Class
• course including beginning and higher-leel、launching for a long time
• This course emphasizes listening speaking reading writing with a fusion of Chinese culture
• students with a fixed location will attend the class.
★ Praite Class
• This course is designed to adapt to the specific requirements of you, the student.
• It is tailor-made to your indiidual needs and interests, and will progress at just the right speed for you.
• students can alternate teachers to gie you exposure to different accents and/or to learn ocabulary specific to your business.
• students get best progress with the shortest time
★ Daily-life Chinese
• entry-leel Chinese Pronunciations、Chinese conersation、recognize the sounds and deelop accurate pronunciation、Chinese Character Writing、appreciation and practice of Chinese Quintessence. And the usage of the slang and idiom.
• intermediate leel Chinese conersation and listening、Chinese reading、Chinese oral composition、Chinese Character Writing、Chinese basic writing、appreciation and practice of Chinese Quintessence. And the usage of the slang and idiom
• adanced leel Chinese audio-isual teaching、Chinese news reading、Chinese Writing、Chinese Cultural Forum、appreciation and practice of Chinese Quintessence. And the usage of the slang and idiom
★ Chinese Traditional Culture
• Tea ceremony
• Taijiquan
• Beijing Opera Facial Masks
• Chinese calligraphy
• Mahjong