2015-11-02 15:54 878次
- 课程价格:请电话咨询
- 开课时间:滚动开班
- 上课地点:请咨询客服
- 乘车路线:1,3,4号线上海火车站南广场3号口
PMP认证速成VIP直通班Crash PMP Exam Short-Course
1.速成班是基于第五空间《EasyQuick Way To PMP》基础上针对特别需求的职场人士设计的快速通关PMP认证的课程,历经学友体验,验证即便在48小时内,仍可以协助您通过PMP®证书考试。如果您已满足PMP®证书申请资格的要求,那么此课程是您的*选择。您将获知PMP认证考试必须掌握深度理解的知识点,从而可在考前集中精力,有的放矢地快速备考。
2.将协助您了解PMP 考试的*动态,全面系统复习PMP-EXAM考试“难点”,通过核心考点梳理,真题演练,理解PMI-LISM,获得有效的应试技巧,协助您规避题海战术的苦恼,集中精力快速获得PMP认证资格。
• 希望获得贵宾级小组服务的学友,甚至希望获得1对1辅导的学友。
*关 主要内容:应试技巧和答题技巧制定冲刺计划
第二关主要内容: 项目管理知识领域*核基本点和难点解析
PMP Certification Exam Crash Course
【Course Objectives】
1. This course will help you to pass PMP exam smoothly, which has been validated in continuous high pass rate.
If you meet the PMP application eligibility, this course is your best choice. With guidance of coach from The 5th Space, you will thoroughly understand ten knowledge areas and five process groups indicated in PM body of knowledge, which will make you concentrate in preparing for PMP certification exam.
2. It will help you to know the latest trend of PMP exam and thoroughly review all difficulties. Through EasyQuick Way To PMP practice test, you will get advanced learning process and gain effective test-taking skills, which will help to save your time, avoid being trapped in pointless exercises and gain inference skills as a PM.
【Course Hours】
Three days (21 hours)
VIP: One on One Coach
【Target Applicants】
1. Applicants who have finished PMP certificate application (refer to PMP certificate handbook) and 35 hours PMP training PDU, will attend the exam and hope to have an extra crash coaching.
2. Applicants who learnt in other training agencies but failed in past exams.
3. The 5th Space will help applicants who meet PMP certificate eligibility and have finished 35 hours PMP training to finish exam application with applicants provided 35 hours PDU proof.
4. Special Note: This course needs to be registered and reserved in advance. For detailed information, please refer to the formal announcement revealed by The 5th Space.
【Course Benefit】
1. You will have the opportunity to discuss questions confused in practice test with the coach. The coach will talk with you 60 minutes about your practice test and Error Items Analysis List via email, phone call or face to face meeting to find out your weakness of knowledge area or test-taking skills. You will also get free PMP past exam self evaluation test and PMP essential learning material including CD.
2. When receiving PMP certificate, you will get free 21 PDU from this course. (Refer to PMP certificate handbook)
【Course Main Content Introduction】
(Three stages in PMP crash exam course)
Stage 1 Test-taking skills / Make crash schedule
•Concentrate in one practice test.
•Present techniques in quick searching breaking point in real PMP exam.
•Impart method of elimination and its value in passing exam.
Stage 2 Study hints and difficulties in ten knowledge areas of PMBOK
•Analyze key exam topics in EasyQuick Way To PMP practice test.
•Introduce what questions like and what subjects covered in PMP exam.
Stage 3 ITTO (Input, Output, Tools & Techniques of Process Groups)
•Perform targeted training to understand logic of ITTO framework.
•Efficiently memorize key points in process groups by analyzing real exam.