Citrix CCA培训
2010-07-22 14:58 841次
- 课程价格:请电话咨询
- 开课时间:滚动开班
- 上课地点:请咨询客服
- 乘车路线:-8号线,大世界站出口,步行2分钟即到;
课程介绍:Citrix认证管理员是专为IT 人士设计用于确证其主要技能,包括演示安装、部署配置和管理使用思杰产品的能力。要获得Citrix认证管理员(CCA for Citrix XenApp 5 for Windows Server 2008)证书,需要先学习Citrix课程CXA-201-2I Implementing Citrix XenApp 5.0 for Windows Server 2008,然后参加并通过Exam A05 Implementing Citrix XenApp 5.0 for Windows Server 2008认证考试后即可。
3、对Windows Active Directory有较清楚地认识;
4、了解Windows Server中的终端服务;
培训目标:1、了解Citrix XenApp 5工作原理;
2、部署Citrix XenApp 服务器及其组件(Web Interface,Application Streaming,Load Manager,Secure Gateway等);
4、管理打印机在Citrix XenApp Farm中的使用;
6、具备通过Citrix A05考试的能力;
课程大纲:1、Install Citrix XenApp
2、Install and distribute Citrix XenApp Plugins for Windows software
3、Create and customize Web Interface sites
4、Publish applications, server desktops and content
5、Configure XenApp Web and XenApp Services sites
6、Configure, apply and prioritize policies in a XenApp environment
7、Create and assign load evaluators
8、Configure printers and printer policies and manage print drivers and printer bandwidth
9、Create and configure XenApp administrator accounts and their permissions
10、Configure display and SpeedScreen settings
11、Configure SecureICA encryption, SSL Relay and Secure Gateway
12、Install and distribute applications, service packs and hotfixes using Installation Manager
13、Identify key features of the Citrix XenApp Platinum Edition additional components